

DEP Product range

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We have developed and can supply specific equipments.

Wire and Fiber ropes

Bending fatigue test stand.

Twist/Torque test stand.

Measuring head for wire rope magnetic NDT.

Hybrid Socket®

Ropes' elastic behavior test stand

Transportation systems

Parachute brake – Progressive action

Overspeed governor

Data transmission system

Bending fatigue test
bench for Ropes

Presentation of the “RV” Bending Fatigue Test Stand

This test stand makes possible to get the rope implementing bending cycles over sheaves.

The machine can be used as well with wire rope as with high performance fiber ropes. With a 5 sheaves block, the machine provides 5 sets of samples (1*100%, 2*80%, 2*60%, 2*40%, 2*20%). The machine provides 2 samples for each non broken zone : one can be used for a breaking test and the other can be used for a visual inspection. Thus 1 test provides more data than 8 tests with a conventional CBoS machine.

The machine makes possible to turn the clock back to when the rope was new, and thus assess the evolution of its aging.  Let’s assume that Grandpa died of a heart attack when he was 100 years old. Fortunately, we still have two samples of his heart when he was 20, 40, 60 and 80 years old…

The test stand makes possible the measure the “Margin to Failure” (Margin to failure: remaining service life once the rope has reached the discard criteria). 


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Twist/Torque test
bench for ropes

Presentation of the Twist/Torque Test Stand

This test stand makes possible to measure the Twist (when one end is free to rotate) and the Torque (when the two ends are blocked) of the rope versus the line pull.

This test stand also makes possible to measure the Young Modulus of the rope.

This machine can be used as well with wire ropes as with fiber ropes (ropes with a significant creep and/or with an elongation to break higher than 5% require a specific tensioning unit).

The sample is positioned vertically. Measurements performed with a sample positioned horizontally are not significant especially for the low tensions (because of the rope’s sag). An optional unit can be installed on the top of the test stand, and which makes the same machine able to perform a combination of Tension-Tension plus Torsion fatigue tests.

The machine is fitted with specific connectors. The same connectors are used for the wire ropes and for the fiber ropes. The wire ropes need no preparation (cut fused and tapered), the fiber ropes need a very simple preparation.


Contact us to get the full technical information.

Measuring head for wire rope magnetic NDT

Presentation of the Measuring head for wire rope magnetic NDT

Specific measuring head which makes possible the test independently each rope of a flat bundle.


This equipment is essential when the distance in between two ropes is not sufficient for the installation of standard measuring head.


Thanks to this equipment ropes of the Eiffel Tower elevators, of the Disney’s Tower of Terror amusement ride, Cobra's curse elevator (Busch Garden - Tampa) are now able to be inspected.



Contact us to get the full technical information.


Hybrid Socket

Innovative End Termination System for High-Performance Ropes

New end termination system able to transfer 100% of the rope’s MBL, whatever is the type of fiber (HMPE, Aramid, LCP).

Such termination is significantly shorter than the classical spliced eye.


Invented by Jean-Marc TEISSIER and patented by Millfield Terminations (joint venture between Millfield Enterprises and DEP Engineering).


Contact us to get the full technical information.



 Specific equipment’s have been developed in order to transform the PX shaft of the ANDRA underground laboratory into a 500 m length test stand for the characterization of fiber et wire ropes elastic behavior, which is unique in the world.

The stiffness (k) can be measured either with the free oscillations method or with the driven oscillations method.

Thanks to the length of the test stand, the damping factor (c) can be accurately measured.



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Transportation systems

Parachute brake – Instantaneous action with damped effect

The clamping unit catches the gripping support (sleeping rope - ANDRA shaft, or track structure - ISOLA 2000 inclined lift), then the damper decelerates the cabin.


EC type examination by a notified body regarding the lift directive 95/16/CE

Parachute brake – Progressive action

This parachute brake has been developed jointly with Schindler in the 1990’s, and was installed on an outdoor inclined elevator.


Validated by the French Authorities of the Ministry of Transports.

Overspeed governor

Electronic system dedicated to the measurement of cabin's speed and to activate the parachute brake with a reaction time of less than 50 ms.


EC type examination by a notified body regarding the lift directive 2014/33/CE


Data transmission system

Wireless electronic system dedicated to the transfer of safety input and output between the cage in the shaft and the main control unit in station within a reaction time of less than 100 ms.


SIL3 evaluation by a notified body regarding Machinery Directive

CAPTCHA protection